AQHA rabattkode

AQHA rabattkode

Publisert av Chantal Sandal Jørgensen den 25.08.22.

Norske quarterhest eiere har fått en rabattkode fra American Quarter Horse Association.

Ved bruk av rabattkoden AQHANORWAY får du $5 USD rabatt på medlemskapet i AQHA, 

denne kan brukes til både nye- og fornyede medlemskap.



There are many benefits to having an AQHA membership and here are just a few:

  • A digital subscription to The American Quarter Horse Journal. We’re celebrating the western lifestyle, and the many ways our members rely on their American Quarter Horses to have fun or get work done. 

  • Access to special programs supported by AQHA grants like Quality Samples, Educational Marketplace Clinics, and the Youth Excellence Seminar.

  • Take advantage of our Special World Show Qualifying process, show advisor and lease program

  • The rush of competition and the thrill of victory. Whether it’s ranch riding, jumping, barrel racing – or anything else – AQHA competitions are a valuable experience that create lifelong memories.